I'm sitting here in my chair staring at the screen...
Blank... nothing...
I stare at the keyboard for a while and it doesn't help much...
What should I write?
Should I speak of love? Should I write a poem?
Should I invent some silly story again?
Should I write a song? Should I write an essay?
Should I write something funny? something sad?
Should I pour my soul onto the keyboard?
Should I cry injustice? Should I complain and pressure?
Should I demand my rights and my fair share?
Should I fight?
Should I use force? Should I use irony?
Should I be direct? Should I be indirect?
Should I just not write anything?
Is there anything at all I can write
that can make a difference?
1 comment:
Quantas vezes ja me aconteceu crer escrever e não saber o quê! Agora tenho um tema que me passa mais pela mente, mas as vezes torna-se tão dificil escrever seja o que for! Custa tanto a primeira palavra...
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